December 3, 2020

We’re Celebrating International Snow Leopard Day and International Persons with Disabilities Day online with local artists and students.

Everyone has something to contribute to the conservation of Bhutan’s snow leopards—especially the youth! That’s why, to celebrate International Snow Leopard Day and International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we’re raising awareness with local young deaf and visually impaired students through our snow leopard children’s book titled, Snow Leopard and Norbu the Cat.

One of our inspiring youth, Pema Lethro, a deaf student from the Wangsel Institute, came to our office this week to film his rendition of Snow Leopard and Norbu the Cat, a fun book that emphasizes the importance of taking measures to prevent poaching. Along with Pema, Mr. Rinchen Penjor, a local singer with visual impairment, also took time to come out and read the book in braille!

You can check out videos of Pema and Rinchen reading Snow Leopard and Norbu the Cat in the videos below. As a special treat, you can also download it, and one other snow leopard eBook available in English and Dzongkha, for FREE on the Bhutan Foundation website here.

Snow Leopard and Norbu the Cat read in Braille by Mr. Rinchen Penjor.

Snow Leopard and Norbu the Cat read in Bhutan Sign Language by Mr. Pema Lethro.