Our Mission
To support the people of Bhutan to reach their full potential by developing local capacity and facilitating global support.
Since its founding in 1986 and re-launch in 2002, the Bhutan Foundation has become an active organization with offices in Thimphu, Bhutan and Washington, DC as well as around 40 partner organizations in Bhutan and more than 20 international partners. Through its commitment to the shared values of Gross National Happiness, the Bhutan Foundation is fundamentally aligned with the vision of His Majesty the King, the Royal Government of Bhutan, and Bhutan’s emerging needs. The Foundation is not, and will not be, aligned with any political party. Its independence and objectivity are core values of the organization.
The Bhutan Foundation works in five core areas: conservation of the environment, preservation of culture, equitable development, good governance, and creating greater awareness and understanding of Bhutan in the United States and around the world. The Foundation’s vision is Bhutan as a progressive society enriched by GNH values, and our mission is to enable the people of Bhutan to reach their full potential by developing local capacity and facilitating global support. The primary focus of the Foundation, through all its program areas, is in building Bhutanese professional capacity while supporting the work of government and civil society partners.