November 18, 2022
By Deki Wangmo

The Foundation has been supporting the Wangdicholing Hospital through the Bumthang Health Association, a local civil society organization in Bumthang. The aim of this partnership is to carry out a community-based rehabilitation program. The physiotherapy team from the hospital provides a variety of medical services, including medical checkups, physiotherapy assessment and treatment plans, wheelchair assessment, environmental modification, and construction of wheelchair-accessible equipment.
A survey conducted in 2018 by the Wangdicholing Hospital indicated that just over three percent of the population has some form of disability. Close to 80 people are registered with the hospital for special services.
This year the team provided services to Mr. Tashi, a 69-year-old man with severe rheumatoid arthritis and multiple deformities in his upper and lower limbs. During their assessment, the health team found that he is mostly indoors without any active engagement. They provided him with a ramp around his house for mobility, a general medical checkup and treatment, documentation of his situation for future reference and treatment review, education of his family regarding hygiene and moral support, and exercises to increase his strength and mobility.

“I am thrilled to receive help from your organization in making a ramp around my house,” Mr. Tashi said. “I am deeply thankful to the Bhutan Foundation for giving me encouragement and hope during this difficult time. I am incredibly grateful for your support and help, and I won’t forget this for the rest of my life.”
Besides the community-based rehabilitation program, the Foundation has provided a health camp to the monastic body serving 30 monks, supported one traditional medicine health assistant in training at the National Medicine Hospital in Thimphu, provided skills enhancement for all staff, and supported two nurses in neonatal intensive care training.
From Stronger Alliances: Bhutan Foundation Annual Report 2022