July 23, 2021

Six staff of Wangdicholing General Hospital in Bumthang were trained for a week on “Infection Control and Waste Management” in Gidakom Hospital in Thimphu.

The objective of the training was to assist the staff in knowing about the infection control and waste management protocols in Multi-Drug Resistance (MDRTB) TB and extremely Multi-Drug Resistance (XDR-TB) rooms and leprosy rooms. They also learned precautionary and preventive skills on hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), maintaining a clean environment, and understand the decontamination and sterilization process.

HAIs are the most frequent adverse event in the health care setting. Prolonged hospital stays, long-term disability, the resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobial, significant financial burdens, and death highlight the threat HAIs pose to the patient, their families, and the health care system.

This training will help in combating and preventing HAIs in Bumthang Hospital. Moreover, they were trained extensively on procedures to use horizontal autoclaves and sterilizing the surgical instrument, which will soon be available in Bumthang Hospital.

The Foundation supported the training and organized in collaboration with Bumthang Health Association and Wangdicholing Hospital.