July 13, 2023

Children with disabilities shouldn’t be treated as special, nor should they be ignored. They require accommodations and adaptations to ensure they have equal opportunities in education. The Bhutan Foundation, alongside our Bhutanese partners, remains dedicated to ensuring these equal opportunities for children with special needs throughout the country.

Toward inclusive education, the Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment and Ministry of Education extend support in terms of accommodations during examinations, as per the Guidelines on Assessment, Examination, Promotion, and Transition for Students with Disabilities, endorsed by the Curriculum and Technical Advisory Board in 2018.

Parents and schools, if you have a child with special needs, we urge you to embrace these policy measures and implement them in your schools so that our children are adequately supported.

View the Guidelines on Assessment, Examination, Promotion, and Transition for Students with Disabilities here.