November 4, 2021

A total of 107 highlanders, from ages 4 to 74, attended the health camp.

Amazing news from Wangdicholing Hospital in Bumthang! Recently, a team of nine health workers walked across six communities providing essential healthcare services to the people for about three weeks. They provided general medical check-ups, immunizations, dental and ophthalmics, traditional medicine, diagnostics, ultrasound check-ups, physiotherapy, and pharmaceutical services. All from their make-shift camps!

A total of 107 highlanders, from ages 4 to 74, attended the health camp.

The health team also carried out COVID-19 vaccinations for 41 highlanders who previously couldn’t receive services during the nationwide vaccination campaign as they were far from health centers with their livestock. The vaccinations were planned by the District Health Sector and carried out by the Wangdicholing Hospital during this Nomad Health Camp. A total of four additional people took the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine since they were breastfeeding and were pregnant before. About 37 people received the second COVID-19 vaccination dose. 

Tshering Dorji, one of the beneficiaries of this camp, has this to say, “For the nomads like us, the annual Nomad Health Camp is a great opportunity to get ourselves screened against various diseases and to update our health knowledge. I would like to convey my special and overwhelmed thank you to the Bhutan Foundation and health officials.”

The Nomad Health Camp in Bumthang is an annual program conducted by Wangdicholing Hospital with support from the Bhutan Foundation. Bumthang has one of the highest populations in the highlands who cannot travel for regular health services. We thank the team and everyone involved in this camp for their hard work!

Read more about our Public Health program